Published on December 8, 2020 Updated on January 14, 2021

The project is led by Etablissement Public Campus Condorcet (EPCC), which was created by decree on 28 December 2017, pursant to Article 44 of the French Law of 28 February 2017. This new public institution took over the rights and obligations of the former institution created in 2012.


As indicated by the Law of 28 February 2017, the EPCC “has the objective of ensuring the construction and running of Campus Condorcet. To this end, it shall coordinate the programming and construction of the campus. It shall perform land and property acquisitions and transactions. On behalf of the State, and in compliance with the rules of public procurement, it shall ensure the design and construction of the necessary buildings and equipment to perform its mission. It shall ensure the operation, management, promotion and enhancement of Campus Condorcet.”


The mission of the EPCC is also to:
  1. Collect, enrich, promote, provide access to and conserve documentary resources;
  2. Support and facilitate the research and training activities of its members, especially in Europe and internationally; support and facilitate other research and training activities;
  3. Support and facilitate innovation, particularly in the digital field, as well as the exploitation of research results;
  4. Contribute to sharing knowledge and scientific culture;
  5. Support and facilitate student life and enhance life on campus;
  6. Carry out activities and projects which have been entrusted to it by some or all of its members, especially in the scientific field;
  7. Participate in developing a national research strategy as defined by Article L. 111-6 of the Research and Higher Education National strategy Code, itself defined by Article L. 123-1 of the French Education Code.”

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